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  • [런치세미나] 22.6.8 2022-1 런치 세미나: 최선심 교수– 강원대학교

    • 등록일
    • 조회수
  • 첨부파일



기초과학융합연구소의 6월 8일 런치세미나에 대해 안내드립니다.


•연사: 최선심 교수 (강원대학교 의생명융합학부)


•제목: 인간 질병 유래 후성유전체 데이터 통합 분석 연구


•일시: 6월 8일 수요일 오후 12시


•링크: https://ssu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/7781420554


•초록: Recently, several ‘omics’ technologies enable quantitative measuring of the abundance of various biological entities in a large-scale, and thus allow comparison of their variation between different physiological states on a genomic scale. Popular ‘omics’ platforms include as follows: transcriptomics, which measures mRNAs or miRNAs; methylomics, which measures levels of global methylation, and proteomics which measures global abundance of protein expression, etc.. No single ‘omics’ analysis can fully reveal the complexities of fundamental biology, and thus integration of multiple layers of information, the multi-‘omics’ approach, is required to acquire a precise picture. (이하 첨부파일 참조)


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