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  • [런치세미나] 23.05.17 2023-1 런치 세미나: 박재현 박사 – 포항가속기연구소

    • 등록일
    • 조회수
  • 첨부파일


기초과학융합연구소의 5월 17일 런치세미나에 대해 안내드립니다.


•연사: 박재현 박사 (포항가속기연구소)


•제목: 4세대 방사광 가속기를 이용한 생체고분자 구조의 분석


•일시: 5월 17일 수요일 오후 12시


•링크: https://ssu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/7781420554


•초록:PAL-XFEL is a user facility to provide ultra-bright and ultra-short XFEL pulses for X- ray sciences with top-class beam stability. The XFELs enable to unveil molecular structures in a high resolution with a minimized radiation damage under the “diffraction before destruction scheme”. In this talk, short introduction will be delivered about the features of XFEL source and scientific cases. In addition, various attempts to study ground-state and dynamic structures of macromolecules will be explained including related history and information of specialized experimental techniques at the SFX endstation of PAL-XFEL.


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