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  • [런치세미나] 21.11.04 2021-2 런치 세미나: 임동현 교수– 성신여자대학교

    • 등록일
    • 조회수


기초과학융합연구소의 11월 4일 런치세미나에 대해 안내드립니다.


•일시: 11월4일(목) 12:00-12:40
•링크: https://ssu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83372263105?pwd=cTBtbXJhcFpYMVJDbHBDVFBmbFdPdz09 (혹은 회의ID: 833 7226 3105, PW: 996336)
•연사: 임동현교수(성신여자대학교)

•제목: β-cell engineering by CRISPR-Cas9 toward cell-based therapeutics for diabetes



Cell-based therapy for type 1 diabetes using stem cell-derived β cells is still in its early stages due to several problems such as immune rejection and inadequate response to glucose. To overcome these barriers, we aim to engineer β-cell therapeutics by CRISPR-Cas9 to endow them with new functions such as immunomodulatory functions. Toward this goal, a genome-editing platform was first developed that enables efficient gene fragment knock-in at diverse genomic loci and in multiple cell types. Next, the platform was successfully applied for creating designer β-cells that secrete functional proteins and peptides. Recent works on genome editing and β-cell engineering will be discussed in the presentation.


 런치세미나에 많은 성원 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

——런치 세미나 결과 안내——-

총 36명 참여, 임동현 교수님께서 유익한 발표 진행해주셨습니다.

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