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  • [일반세미나] 21.09.23 2021-2 물리학과 세미나: 임준원 교수 – 아주대 물리학과

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2021학년도 2학기 물리학과 세미나를 안내해 드립니다.


– 연사: 임준원 교수(아주대학교 물리학과)

– 제목: Singular flat band

– 초록:
In this talk, I introduce a new class of band structures called the singular flat band. A singular flat band is characterized by the existence of a singularity in its Bloch eigenstate, which establishes a new kind of topological states and bulk-boundary correspondence. When it comes to a singular flat band with a quadratic band crossing, such a singularity becomes a discontinuity of the Bloch eigenstate, and characterized by a quantum geometric quantity called the maximum value of quantum distance. I show that the maximum quantum distance of the singular flat band manifests itself as anomalous Landau levels under the magnetic field.
[1] Phys. Rev. B 99 045107, Jun-Won Rhim and Bohm-Jung Yang (2019)
[2] Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 183901, Jina Ma, Jun-Won Rhim, et al (2020)
[3] Nature 584 59, Jun-Won Rhim, Kyoo Kim, and Bohm-Jung Yang (2020)


– 일시: 9월 23일 오후 4시 30분

– 장소: 온라인(접속링크: https://ssu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83265012552)

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