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  • [일반세미나] 21.11.04 2021-2 화학과 세미나: 김채운 교수- 울산과학기술원 물리학과

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2021학년도 2학기 화학과 세미나를 안내해 드립니다.


– 연사: 김채운 교수(울산과학기술원 물리학과, 구조생물학)


– 제목:

Role of metal ion in carbonic anhydrase catalysis


– 초록:

Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are zinc metalloenzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration/dehydration of CO2/HCO3 [1, 2].  The zinc ion in CA can be substituted by similar transition metal ions, leading to dramatically different catalytic activity. However, the underlying mechanism is not clearly known. In our study, we studied the intermediate states of four divalent transition-metal ions (Zn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+) that induce drastic changes in CA II activity (100%, ~ 50%, ~ 2%, and 0%, respectively) [3]. The results show that the characteristic metal ion coordination geometries directly modulate the catalytic processes, and that the metal ions have a long-range (~10 Å) electrostatic effect on restructuring the water network at the active site. Our study provides clear evidence that the metal ions in metalloenzymes have a crucial impact on the catalytic mechanism beyond their primary chemical properties.



– 일시: 11월 4일 오후 5시


– 장소: 온라인 ZOOM(접속링크: https://ssu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/84939678166?pwd=NENkY3RtL0xpK1ZaaTFydHRHNnhUQT09 Meeting ID: 849 3967 8166 Passcode: 448747)


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