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세미나 공지

제목 - 설명
  • [일반세미나] 21.05.20 화학과 강원철 교수[양자나노물성]

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

2021학년도 1학기 제 5회 CNS 융합세미나 안내입니다.


• 날짜 : 2021년 5월 20일 목요일 오후 12시

• 연사 : 화학과 강원철 교수

• 장소 : 온라인 ZOOM 세미나(Link : https://ssu-ac-kr.zoom.us/s/7781420554 )

• 제목 :  Intdroduction to Metalloproteins

• 초록 : Iron-sulfur (Fe/S) cluster is a simple inorganic cofactor, but it is presumed to have played a decisive role in the development of early forms of life. The most predominant forms are [2Fe-2S] and [4S-4Fe], and more rarely the [3Fe-4S]. More complex iron-sulfur clusters are present mainly in prokaryotes. Today the mechanism of radical S-adenosylmethionine enzymes and the nitrogenase will be introduced. The importance of the iron-sulfur protein biogenesis system in living organisms will be discussed.


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