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  • [월례세미나] 2023-04 IIBS Seminar 최우석 교수 – 성균관대학교 (4월 27일)

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  • 첨부파일

2023학년도 1학기 기초과학융합연구소 월례세미나를 안내해 드립니다.


•연사: 최우석 교수(성균관대 물리학과)


•제목: Dimensionality Control Using Atomic-Scale Precision Growth


•초록: Artificial crystals synthesized by atomic-scale precision epitaxy is a suitable platform for realizing, exploring, controlling, and understanding the intriguing quantum mechanical regime of solid state. A judiciously designed dimensional crossover from a 3D to 2D system can be realized using the monolayer control, which is frequently employed in transition metal oxides. The so-called “Designer Crystals” enable observation and control of exotic but useful functional properties, that are unattainable in bulk crystals available in nature. Emergent quantum phenomena such as magnetoelectric coupling, Mottronics, and topological electronics have been shown for the artificial systems. Among them, atomic thickness dependents metal-insulator transition (MIT) is a one of the key topics for the atomic-scale electronics, which let us assess the low dimensional behavior of a material, which is typically intertwined with spin ordering in transition metal oxides. (이하 첨부파일 참조)


•일시: 4월 27일 목요일 오후 4시 30분


•장소: 진리관 522호


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