13 |
[논문] Effects of A-site cations and the substitution site on the upconversion luminescence of Er3+ in the zirconate perovskite series
2022.08.22 |
276 |
12 |
[논문] Proportion of Pre-Symptomatic Transmission Events Associated with COVID-19 in South Korea
2022.08.02 |
249 |
11 |
[논문] 3D and 2D Metal Halide Perovskites for Blue Light-Emitting Diodes
2022.07.07 |
291 |
10 |
[논문] Bayesian analysis of longitudinal traits in the Korea Association Resource (KARE) cohort
2022.07.07 |
258 |
9 |
[논문] Pan-Cancer Analysis for Immune Cell Infiltration and Mutational Signatures Using Non-Negative Canonical Correlation Analysis
2022.07.07 |
261 |
8 |
[논문] Transmission potential of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 in South Korea: From November 25, 2020 to January 8, 2022
2022.06.07 |
279 |
7 |
[논문] Assessment of MicroRNAs Associated with Tumor Purity by Random Forest Regression
2022.05.23 |
282 |
6 |
[논문] The structure of Deinococcus radiodurans transcriptional regulator HucR retold with the urate bound
2022.05.23 |
285 |
5 |
[논문] IGZO synaptic thin-film transistors with embedded AlOx charge-trapping layers
2022.05.19 |
276 |
4 |
[논문] Bayesian mixed models for longitudinal genetic data: theory, concepts, and simulation studies
2022.04.28 |
332 |