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논문특허 4차년도

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  • [논문] 바이오정보: Biorobotic Drug Delivery for Biomedical Applications

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

•연구자: 의생명시스템학부 심가용


•발표일: 2024.08.02


•DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules29153663


•Quoc-Viet Le and Gayong Shim,  Molecules (Q2);  Volume 29, Issue 15, 3663  (2024)



Despite extensive efforts, current drug-delivery systems face biological barriers and difficulties in bench-to-clinical use. Biomedical robotic systems have emerged as a new strategy for drug delivery because of their innovative diminutive engines. These motors enable the biorobots to move independently rather than relying on body fluids. The main components of biorobots are engines controlled by external stimuli, chemical reactions, and biological responses. Many biorobot designs are inspired by blood cells or microorganisms that possess innate swimming abilities and can incorporate living materials into their structures. This review explores the mechanisms of biorobot locomotion, achievements in robotic drug delivery, obstacles, and the perspectives of translational research.


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