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논문특허 4차년도

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  • [논문] 양자나노물성: Multi-color Synaptic Luminescence in RE-doped Ca2SnO4 (RE = Sm3+, Er3+, and La3+)

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

•연구자: 물리학과 위상원, 이윤상


•발표일: 2025.02.05


•DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202414860


•S.W. Wi et al., Advanced Functional Materials (Q1), Volume 35, Issue 6, 2414860 (2025)



Recently, there has been a surge of interest in neuromorphic computation inspired by the extraordinary characteristics of the human brain, such as low energy consumption, parallelism, adaptivity, cognitive abilities, and learning capabilities. Significant research efforts have focused on exploring optical synaptic behaviors in various functional materials. In this study, the potential of red, green and blue (RGB)-colored long-persistent luminescence (LPL) in Sm3+/Er3+/La3+-doped Ca2SnO4 is investigated for synaptic functionality. The luminescence of the samples is continuously enhanced under serial photoexcitation pulse applications, that is, the potentiation process, which is a key feature demonstrated in biological synapses. In addition, multichannel synaptic functionalities in the full-color range is successfully demonstrated by integrating individual RGB-colored Sm3+/Er3+/La3+-doped Ca2SnO4 into a single quantity. To validate the optical synaptic behavior of the samples in neuromorphic computing applications, a reservoir computing (RC) simulation is performed for space-time data processing using the unique responses of the samples under 4-bit excitation pulses. The results demonstrated that the multi-channel synaptic behaviors in the samples should be more valid for utilization in the RC layer than the single channel of synaptic behavior. We suggest this exploration holds promise for the advancement of synaptic devices employing LPL materials.

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