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논문특허 4차년도

제목 - 설명
  • [논문] 양자나노물성: Additive roles of antiferromagnetically coupled elements in the magnetic proximity effect in the GdFeCo/Pt system

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

•연구자: 물리학과 이동렬


•발표일: 2024.04.25


•DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-60076-9


•Jung Yun Kee et al., Scientific reports (Q1), Volume 14, Article number: 9476 (2024)



Interfacial magnetic interactions between different elements are the origin of various spin-transport phenomena in multi-elemental magnetic systems. We investigate the coupling between the magnetic moments of the rare-earth, transition-metal, and heavy-metal elements across the interface in a GdFeCo/Pt thin film, an archetype system to investigate ferrimagnetic spintronics. The Pt magnetic moments induced by the antiferromagnetically aligned FeCo and Gd moments are measured using element-resolved x-ray measurements. It is revealed that the proximity-induced Pt magnetic moments are always aligned parallel to the FeCo magnetic moments, even below the ferrimagnetic compensation temperature where FeCo has a smaller moment than Gd. This is understood by a theoretical model showing distinct effects of the rare-earth Gd 4f and transition-metal FeCo 3d magnetic moments on the Pt electronic states. In particular, the Gd and FeCo work in-phase to align the Pt moment in the same direction, despite their antiferromagnetic configuration. The unexpected additive roles of the two antiferromagnetically coupled elements exemplify the importance of detailed interactions among the constituent elements in understanding magnetic and spintronic properties of thin film systems.

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